SCT *Must be accessed from a Windows based computer*
*It is important to make sure you have the truck on a battery charger when loading the tune for the first time.*
If you are purchasing tune files only you will be asked to provide us with the ECU Strategy and TCU Strategy of the truck. Please follow the directions below to obtain those.
How to get ECU/TCU Strategies
- Use the buttons to select Vehicle Info.
- Turn the key to the ON position, and hit Continue.
- Scroll down until you see ECU Strategy and TCU Strategy. Record those numbers and provide them to the salesman when asked.
You may be asked to update your device using your computer. Please follow the directions below to update the device.
How to get check for updates from the computer
Make sure your truck is returned to stock before doing this.
- Download the SCT Updater Software.
- Plug the device into the computer and open the SCT Device Updater.
- Click Automatically Check for Updates.
If you have purchased tune files from us for a device you already have, you will need to follow the directions below to load them onto the device.
How to load custom tune files onto the X4/Livewire
Make sure you save your tune files from your email onto your Desktop before proceeding.
- Download the SCT Updater Software.
- Plug the device into the computer and open the SCT Device Updater.
- Click Load Custom Tune File.
- Click Browse on the top right hand side.
- That will open a new window, where you are able to select your Desktop on the left hand side of the new window.
- Find the first file that you saved from your email, and select it. Click Open.
- That window will disappear, and you will be back to the SCT Device Updater.
- The tune you just selected will now show up the Available Tune box in the middle of the page.
- Just to the right of that will be a button that says Add to Device. Click that button.
- That tune will move into the On Device box, now.
- Below that box will be another button that says Program. Click that button to program the tune onto the device.
- Repeat the above steps for each tune.
Here is a picture tutorial of loading the tunes onto your device.
How to load custom tune files onto the X4/Livewire
Make sure you save your tune files from your email onto your Desktop before proceeding.
- Download the SCT Updater Software.
- Plug the device into the computer and open the SCT Device Updater.

- Click Load Custom Tune File.

- Click Browse on the top right hand side.

- That will open a new window, where you are able to select your Desktop on the left hand side of the new window.
- Find the first file that you saved from your email, and select it. Click Open.

- Select the tune you would like, and click Open.

- That window will disappear, and you will be back to the SCT Device Updater.
- The tune you just selected will now show up the Available Tune box in the middle of the page.
- Just to the right of that will be a button that says Add to Device. Click that button.

- That tune will move into the On Device box.
- Below that box will be another button that says Program. Click that button to program the tune onto the device.

- Repeat the above steps for each tune. When it’s finished, it should look something like this:

You may also need to remove tune files from the device in order to make room for others, etc. Please see the directions below.
How to remove a custom tune from your X4/Livewire
- Plug the device into the computer and open SCT Device Updater.
- Select Load Custom Tune.
- The white box on the right hand side of the screen should say On Device. It will have the current custom tunes on the device listed.
- Highlight the tune name you would like to remove.
- To the left of the On Device box, there is a button that says Remove Tune. Click it to move the highlighted tune to the Available Tune box.
- Click the Program button on the right hand side of the screen below the On Device box. A window will ask you if you would like to remove the tune, select Yes.
- Repeat this process for any tunes you would like removed.